Saturday, 17 October 2015

Fruit and Nuts Bread Loaf - Tangzhong Method

Many friends, family and acquaintances always commented that my husband must be a very lucky person, to be able to enjoy all the bakes I make regularly. But the truth is, my husband doesn't have a sweet tooth like me and would only try my bakes when I ask him to. So when he requests for something, I know I need to go all out to make it happen.

One day he causally asked if I could make a fruit and nut loaf. He's like a mouse and loves to nibble on dried fruits and nuts! I on the other hand, have the impression that fruit and nut bread loaf are dry and boring. But since he requested it, I will make it happen!

Since it's home-made, I decided that those crappy dried fruit at the baking aisle will not do. Instead, I hunted down those good quality trail mix with huge raisins, great variety of nuts and even dried figs in it! On top of that, we recently bought a huge packet of dried blueberries, so that will be in the loaf too. So luxurious!

Next I looked for a good bread dough recipe. I'm thinking of a fluffy and moist bread dough to go with the fruit and nuts, so it's Tangzhong again for me. Hey, if it's not broken, why fix it?

So let's put two and two together!

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Bread dough
210 gm bread flour
40 gm wholemeal flour
3 tbsp Sugar
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Instant Yeast
1 Egg (lightly beaten)
100 ml Milk
20 gm Butter (softened)
1 batch of Tangzhong

Good quality trail mix with nuts and dried fruits
enough juice to soak the dried fruits

  1. Pick out the dried fruits and soak in juice for at least an hour. You can use it as it is or chop into smaller pieces. 
  2. Prepare the bread dough with the bread maker using the "DOUGH" mode. The recipe for the dough is here
  3. Dust the kitchen counter, take out dough and roll out the trapped air. Divide the dough into 3 portions and roll into a long rectangle. Sprinkle the nuts and fruits onto the dough and roll it up tightly from the long end up. 
  4. Butter your loaf tin and place the rolls in. Cover loosely with a clingwrap and let it proof until it doubles in size. Gently brush some egg wash on top of the loaf (careful not to brush onto the pan. Makes it hard to unmould later) 
  5. Bake it in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes. When it's done remove loaf from pan to cool off in a wire rack.

I didn't grease the pan and the loaves stuck. They fell apart when I try to shake it out! (T-T)

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Didn't roll tight enough, causing a huge air pocket.

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Flaws aside, it was a very good bread. Bread was soft yet chewy, the fruits and nuts added so much flavour and texture to it. Even a person who don't like fruits and nut loaf (I meant me) will love it!

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This recipe is definitely a keeper!
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Saturday, 10 October 2015

Sugary Yeasted Donuts

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I love donuts, but not the type you see at the fancy American donuts shops. I always find those donuts too dense and WAAAY too sweet. My favourite type of donut is commonly found at a humble neighbourhood bread shop, a simple donut with sugar dusting. To me, a good donut have to be big, soft and fluffy. A good and even coat of caster sugar would be all that's enough to pair with it's light fluffy goodness.

In order to get that kind of fluffiness, you either cheat with baking powder or use yeast. Baking powder usually have this after taste that I really don't like. So if I'm going to make my own donuts, it has to be done using the slow proofing method with the good-ol-fashioned yeast.

Also, don't get me started on baking the donut. I always roll my eyes when I read about baked donuts. Come on lah, if you are really health conscious, don't eat donuts in the first place. Baked donuts are sad, dry and tough pieces of dough that cannot be compared with the crispy, fluffy heaven of fried donuts.

OK, enough said. I had always like to make some donuts for tea break but it is a little time consuming. One weekend I decide to plan ahead and made some in time for tea. I used Byron Talbott's recipe and it was perfect. It's everything I expected. Sugary and crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside. Great recipe!

So here I am, sharing it with you.

1/2 cup milk
1 tsp dry active yeast
1/4 cup sugar
2 cups flour
4 tbsp melted butter
1 whole egg
Caster sugar for coating

  1. Warm up the milk in the microwave for about 10 seconds. Stir in the sugar and yeast and let it sit for 15-20 minutes until it is frothy. 
  2. Add the yeast mixture, butter and egg in the mixer and mix well. With a hook attachment, gradually add in the flour and let the mixer knead it for about 5 minutes until it is well incorporated. 
  3. Put the dough in a floured surface and roll out into about 1 inch thickness. Cut it into desired shapes, I used the classic donut ring. 
  4. The shape gets warped a little when you transfer from table to the pot of hot oil. To prevent this, place your cut doughs on individual parchment papers. After proofing, pick up the dough using the paper and flip it into the hot oil. If you don't mind the slightly warped shape, skip this step. 
  5. Let your dough proof for about 1 hour. 
  6. Fry the dough in oil at medium heat until light golden brown. Let it drip of some oil on a wire rack for half a minute before tossing it in caster sugar. 
  7. Serve hot with coffee!